Nemesis Issue #3
Written by: Mark Millar
Art by: Steve McNiven
Three issues in and we have to say, our interest is piqued. However, the lack of character development is troubling. There was more character development in Wanted and that’s saying a lot. The actions played out by Nemesis are indeed shocking and dare we say, disturbing, but until we actually care about any of these people, does it really matter? On the other hand, shock value and ultra violence have their place and despite our reservations, there is sense of satisfaction once finished. This issue revolves around the consequences of what happens when Nemesis is arrested and boy howdy are there consequences! The only word that comes to mind with the big reveal is…ew.
Justice League: Generation Lost Issue #10
Written by: Judd Winick
Pencils by: Joe Bennett
First of all, let’s begin by saying that we have enjoyed Generation Lost from the first issue. The story has been interesting and engaging despite the presence of characters that we aren’t generally familiar with. Magog: not interesting…kill him; and hopefully that’s exactly what Judd Winick intends for Max Lord to do. Honestly, in this issue, the main characters don’t have a lot to do. There is a touching moment between Fire and Ice, but mainly Booster, Beatle, and the rest of the gang talk to each other for most of the issue. What is interesting however, is the addition of a scene involving Batman and Power Girl, where we reader finally think our heroes are going to get some help only to have our hopes shattered when we realize the scope of Max Lord’s grip on the world. Not excited about the introduction of the Metal Men, but curious to see where Judd takes our heroes next.
Power Girl Issue #16
Written by: Judd Winick
Art by: Sami Basri
When it was first announced that Amanda Connor would be leaving Power Girl there was much sadness in our house, but while we still love Amanda, we are happy to say the art is beautiful! The tone of the art has changed, much like the story has with the changing of the writing guard. Where Jimmy Palmiotti gave Power Girl a charming silliness, Judd Winick has kept the humor but brought a larger arc to her world, contextualizing her character to the rest of the DC universe. This is the first issue by Judd that feels like he’s making it his own and we are really happy with the direction it appears to be taking. We have new relationships, murders, and a mysterious villain, who could ask for more? Jac’s Two Cents: The second guest spot by Dick Grayson this week! Love it.
The Flash Issue #5
Written by: Geoff Johns
Art by: Francis Manapul
All we have are questions: Why is Barry being so naive?!? What’s in that box?!? What’s the deal with the Mirror Lords?!?
This review: To be continued next month, when we know what the hell is going on. (We will most likely be disappointed as next month’s issue takes place in the future.)
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